[摘要]當今世界,工作壓力飛速增長,很多人都不想繁忙工作。最聰明的伙計們——找份交稅最少賺錢最多的工作簡單嗎?我們在Quora網(wǎng)上尋求答案:適合聰明懶人的最佳工作到底是啥?以下就是大家的看法。 In a world where work-related stress has rocketed could the most intelligent option be simply to find the least-taxing, most lucrative job on offer? 當今世界,工作壓力飛速增長,最聰明的伙計們——找份交稅最少賺錢最多的工作簡單嗎? We looked to question-and-answer site Quora for some suggestions for the best jobs for smart but lazy people. Here’s what the masses had to say: 我們在Quora網(wǎng)上尋求答案:適合聰明懶人的最佳工作到底是啥?以下就是大家的看法: English, anyone? 說英語(精品課)的,有咩有咩?! Computer game designer, Andy Lee Chaisiri wrote: “Perhaps one out of every three English teachers I've met in Beijing describe themselves as intelligent, but very lazy.” 電腦游戲設計師安迪·李·猜喜力寫道:“在北京,大約我遇到三個英語老師中就有一個將他們自己描述為聰明但是懶惰的人。” He wrote that teaching roles in China are often lucrative and high demand means “entry standards are not restrictive”. In some cases, the only requirement is that an applicant was born in an English-speaking country. 他寫道:在中國,當老師是一份高薪但是“入行標準限制性不強”的職業(yè)。在一些情況下,入職的唯一要求僅是出生于說英語的國家即可。 He added: “Your income levels will match the middle class college graduates that work 50 hours a week and do overtime until they die.” And Chaisiri wrote: “So go forth and teach English, you lazy guy!” 他補充道:“你的收入水平將會和每周工作50個小時加班加到死的中產(chǎn)階級大學畢業(yè)生相當?!币虼怂麑懙溃骸俺霭l(fā)去教英語吧,你們這些大懶蟲!” Keyboards and pyjamas 鍵盤與睡衣 If you’re disinclined to venture far from your home office, Paul Denlinger suggested: “Computer programmer: It is a continuous learning process, but you really don't have to work that hard , and gradually you learn that many of the challenges are repetitive.” 如果那你不愿出遠門冒險,保爾·丹林格建議到:“電腦程序員:是一個不斷學習的過程,但是你真的不必非常努力地工作,而且漸漸地你會發(fā)現(xiàn)許多挑戰(zhàn)都是重復的?!?/SPAN> Ask me, I’m an expert 問我吧,我是專業(yè)的 Matthew Kuzma wrote: “My personal opinion is that the best possible job for someone who is intelligent but lazy would be to be a professional ‘expert’ at something, to get paid to just share your thoughts and opinions about things with people who will do the heavy lifting.” 馬修·古斯瑪寫道:“我的個人建議是:對于聰明的懶人而言,最佳(同時最有可能性的)工作就是做在某一個領域的‘專家’,在和干重活的人分享自己的想法和建議的同時,就能獲得報酬哦。” |
[發(fā)布者:yezi] | ||
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