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來源: 金平果評價發(fā)布時間:2022-04-15 14:31
近日,我院陳仕吉教授、宋艷輝教授、舒非教授與加拿大蒙特利爾大學信息學教授Vincent Larivière合作論文《Interdisciplinarity and impact: the effects of the citation time window》發(fā)表于國際計量學頂級期刊《Scientometrics》(SSCI,影響因子3.238)。

The relationship between interdisciplinarity and citation impact is affected by many factors, and the citation time window is a crucial factor. Our study examines the effect of the citation time window on the relationship between interdisciplinarity and scientific impact. All journal articles published in 2006 in Web of Science (WoS) are considered. The relationship between interdisciplinarity and scientific impact is explored by conducting a year-by-year negative binomial regression analysis with different interdisciplinarity indicators. Three diversity single-property indicators (namely variety, balance, and disparity) and three typical composite interdisciplinarity indicators (Rao-Stirling index (RS), Leinster–Cobbold diversity indices (LCDiv), and DIV) are used in this study. The results show that evaluating the scientific impact of interdisciplinarity requires a sufficiently long citation time window. However, the length of the citation time window is different for different interdisciplinarity indicators. A 4-year citation time window is necessary when the variety indicator is used, whereas balance and disparity require at least 11-year and 13-year citation time windows, respectively. The citation time window is the same (at least 5 years) for the three composite interdisciplinarity indicators (RS, LCDiv, and DIV). The recommended length of the citation time window is based only on this study and may be affected by the data set, regression model, and discipline classification system.
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