Winning looks key to success 韓劇“男神女神”大盤點 總有一款適合你 There is no shortage of pretty faces in South Korean drama - the problem, rather, is choosing the prettiest ones. Let’s check out today’s most popular Korean drama stars and see how their hallmark handsomeness and signature beauty can be described in the English language. 韓劇中從來都不乏俊男美女,但問題是:誰才是最養(yǎng)眼的男神女神?讓我們來盤點一下時下人氣最旺的韓劇明星,學習一下如何用英文來表達他們每個人所不同的獨特魅力。
Leggy “長腿歐巴” Lee Min-ho, 26, actor/singer 李敏鎬,26歲,演員兼歌手 Basics: Best known for his leading role in romantic comedy drama The Inheritors. In July 2012 in South Korea, Lee was voted the most attractive male celebrity in TV commercials for cosmetics brands. 基本資料:因主演愛情劇《繼承者們》而名聲大噪。2012年7月,李敏鎬被評選為“化妝品電視廣告最具魅力男藝人”。 Characteristic: In his fans’ eyes, Lee’s physique is leggy (having attractively long and slender legs) and his personality introverted while still radiating a kind and vibrant warmth. 特點:在粉絲眼中,李敏鎬堪稱“長腿歐巴”,一雙標志性長腿令人著迷;而性格內(nèi)斂的他也散發(fā)出一種善良而富有活力的“暖男”氣質(zhì)。
Sunshine boy 陽光男孩 Park Yu-chun, 27, singer, songwriter, model and actor 樸有天,27歲,創(chuàng)作型歌手、模特、演員 Basics: Best known as a member of pop group JYJ, Park is well-known for his acting in the dramas Miss Ripley, and Missing You. 基本資料:他最廣為人知的身份是流行組合JYJ的成員,因在韓劇《再見雷普利小姐》和《想你》中的表演而走紅。 Characteristic: Wearing a dashing suit or a casual sweater, Park is labeled as a sunshine boy who is sweet, considerate and has an irresistible smile. 特點:無論身著時髦正裝還是休閑毛衣,樸有天都被貼上了“陽光男孩”的標簽——溫柔、體貼,同時擁有令人無法抗拒的笑容。
Aloof “面癱教授” Kim Soo-hyun, 25, actor/singer 金秀賢,25歲,演員兼歌手 Basics: Kim’s popularity skyrocketed when he starred in the hit period drama Moon Embracing the Sun (捧日之月), which was the most popular in its time slot and, at its peak, had viewer ratings of 42.2 percent in South Korea. Known as the “Professor” in the hit drama Man From the Stars, Kim’s popularity has hit the roof in China. 基本資料:金秀賢因出演熱門古裝劇《捧日之月》而迅速躥紅,該劇成為韓國同時段收視冠軍,創(chuàng)下 42.2%的超高收視率?,F(xiàn)在,因出演時下大熱的韓劇《來自星星的你》中“教授”一角,金秀賢在中國可謂人氣爆棚。 Characteristic: His character in the show has stirred a lot of discussion among fans, with his omnipotent ability to walk through walls, read minds, and engage in psychic interfacing. The alien he depicts appears to have an icy exterior and seems very aloof. Kim’s perfectly proportioned figure also means everything on him is a showcase of good fashion. 特點:他在《來自星星的你》中所飾演的角色可謂上天入地無所不能,具備了穿墻術(shù)、讀心術(shù)以及意念操控等特異功能,從而引發(fā)粉絲熱議。他飾演的外星教授外表冷若冰霜、看起來有些“面癱”。“黃金比例”的身材也意味著金秀賢的著裝無處不展示著絕佳的時尚品味。
Healing 治愈系少女 Lim Yoon-a, 23, singer, dancer and actress 林允兒,23歲,歌舞雙棲、演員 Basics: Lim stared in Love Rain, a fantasy drama about fate and how the offspring of a previous ill-fated couple who met in the 1970s, also fall in love with each other. In 2013, she played in the TV drama Prime Minister and I (總理與我) and rose to stardom across Asia. 基本資料:林允兒曾主演韓劇《愛情雨》,這部“命運幻想曲”講述了一個從父輩延續(xù)到現(xiàn)代的愛情故事:上世紀70年代一對戀人因命運捉弄而分手,而到了現(xiàn)代,他們的子女又相戀了。2013年,允兒出演了電視劇《總理和我》,人氣席卷全亞洲。 Characteristic: While she has no hot figure, her looks are considered “healing” - her presence and beauty can comfort the heart. 特點:雖然沒有火辣的身材,但她卻有著“治愈系”的外形——她的一顰一笑都能夠溫暖人心。
Plain Jane 鄰家女孩 Park Shin-hye, 23, actress, singer and dancer 樸信惠,23歲,演員、歌舞雙棲 Basics: Caught in a love triangle in The Inheritors, Park rocketed to fame in China overnight. She is best known for her leading role in the television drama You’re Beautiful. 基本資料:在韓劇《繼承者們》中深陷“三角戀”的樸信惠在中國一夜成名。她最為人所熟知的角色就要數(shù)韓劇《原來是美男啊》中的女一號了。 Characteristic: Starring in The Inheritors, a quasi-Cinderella story, Park appears as a plain Jane, someone who is not hot but has a heart of gold. She also seems shy in the love affair, but this has not prevented her from becoming a fan favorite for looking like the girl next door. 特點:在“韓版灰姑娘”——《繼承者們》中,樸信惠飾演了一位外表平凡卻心地善良的鄰家女孩。盡管她在熒幕上談情說愛時略顯羞澀,但這并不妨礙粉絲們對這位鄰家女孩的喜愛。
Knockout chubby 迷人嬰兒肥 Yun Eun-hea, 29, actress, singer and model 尹恩惠,29歲,演員、歌手、模特 Basics: Yun debuted as a member of girl group Baby V.O.X. She has since moved on to acting and is best known for starring in the TV dramas The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Missing You. 基本資料:尹恩惠以韓國女子組合Baby V.O.X成員的身份踏入演藝圈。此后她歌而優(yōu)則演,其主演的代表作有電視劇《咖啡王子一號店》和《想你》。 Characteristic: In an interview, Yun commented on her own looks as “a chubby face”. But that hasn’t kept her from being a knockout beauty. Compared with actors born in the 1990s, Yun radiates an aura of sophistication, with less audacity but more elegance and grace. 特點:尹恩惠在一次接受采訪中評價自己長著一張“肉嘟嘟的臉”。盡管如此,她仍是一位絕代佳人。同一眾90后演員相比,尹恩惠身上散發(fā)著成熟干練的氣質(zhì),她的美沒有侵略性,更多顯現(xiàn)出的是端莊和典雅。 |
[發(fā)布者:yezi] | ||
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