Sometimes you look at a list like the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women and wonder if this applies to the rest of us who are managing less high-profile careers on a daily basis. Here are three career lessons anyone can take away from this year’s rankings: 有時候,你看著全球最有權勢女性排行榜時,你是否也在想她們能不能給我們普通人的職場生活一些啟示呢。以下三條職場經(jīng)驗就是我們從今年入選的權勢女性中得出的,對所有人都適合: 1.Your own personal efforts trump external conditions 1.個人努力比外在條件更重要 The range of industries, geographies, functional roles and demographics represented makes it clear that there is a way to make an impact in a variety of conditions. I often hear people lament their external circumstances as keeping them from success – not the right industry, market is too difficult. This isn’t true as demonstrated by the eclectic stories of the Superstar Women To Watch or Women Changing The World. 無論身處什么行業(yè)、來自于哪個地區(qū)、承擔著什么角色,以及人口統(tǒng)計上有什么不同,我們總能找到一種方法在不同的外部條件下施加影響力。我總是聽到有人抱怨說外在條件是如何影響她們取得成功,比如行業(yè)不景氣,市場艱難等等。但是從諸如“權勢女性候選榜”和“改變世界的女性”這樣的排行榜可以看出,外在條件并不能影響女性獲得成功。 2.There is no prescribed timetable for success 2.年齡與成功無關 There are young breakout stars, such as 26-year old creator of HBO’s Girls, Lena Dunham, and career veterans, such as the top three on this year’s list, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, and Dilma Rousseff, all of whom have decades of experience. Another popular lament I hear is I’m too old or I’m too young. Just like personal efforts supersede market conditions, there is no one timetable for how success unfolds. Personal efforts supersede personal characteristics. 成功的女性中,有年紀輕輕的新星,如HBO電視劇《女孩》的制片,年僅26歲的麗娜-鄧納姆;也有經(jīng)驗豐富的職場老將,比如今年權勢女性排行榜的前三甲,德國總理默克爾,美國國務卿希拉里和巴西總統(tǒng)羅塞夫。我還經(jīng)常聽到另一種抱怨就是“我太老了,或者我太年輕了?!闭鐐€人努力比市場條件更重要一樣,對于成功而言,并沒有規(guī)定的時間表去完成。個人努力比個人性格更重要。 3.You have to put yourself out there 3.不要讓自己局限在小圈子里 There are some extreme examples of putting yourself out there, such as Fawzia Koofi who is running for President of Afghanistan despite threats from the Taliban. This might seem superhuman to the everyday person but it shouldn’t discourage you from drawing attention to yourself and your accomplishments. There are numerous examples in the list of women given executive positions because their past accomplishments were noticed or given media prominence because they spoke up in some way. These women were not just discovered toiling away in a cubicle – they were putting themselves out there. 關于跳出自己的圈子,有一些比較極端的例子,比如法齊婭-庫菲,在塔利班的威脅之下依然選擇競選阿富汗總統(tǒng)。這也許對于我們普通人來說,有點超人性質了,不過這也在激勵著我們要想辦法讓別人知道自己的成績。在權勢女性的榜單上有無數(shù)這樣的例子,這些身居要職的女性正是通過各種方式受人矚目,讓媒體爭相報道,因為她們知道必須要把自己的故事說出來才行。權勢女性們不僅僅是在自己的圈子里埋頭苦干,還會跳出去,讓別人看到自己的成績。 So put yourself out there. Don’t think it’s too late or too early to make an impact. Focus on what you can do within your circumstances, rather than wait for ideal conditions. Even if your goal isn’t to make next year’s Forbes list, you will move in a positive direction for your career goals. 所以,跳出你的圈子,別以為現(xiàn)在去施加影響力是太早或太晚的一件事情。專注于你能在現(xiàn)有情況下做些什么,而不是等待一個理想的環(huán)境的到來。即使你的目標不是進入明年的權勢女性排行榜,你也可以為了你的職業(yè)目標,朝著積極的方向去努力。 |
[發(fā)布者:yezi] | ||
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