最近網(wǎng)絡(luò)上對于新三國電視劇中所出現(xiàn)的一些“經(jīng)典臺詞”進行了匯總,在這里匯總了一些,并進行了翻譯,讓大家從英語方面知道這些臺詞。 1.劉備:“袁紹是個扶不起的阿斗。” Liu Bei said: Yuan Shao is like "A-Dor" who never deserves a pull。 2.張飛:“呂布,你竟失身于賊!” Zhang Fei said: Lv Bu, you even go so far as to lose your virginity to your enemy! 3.曹操:“司馬昭之心,路人皆知。” Cao Cao said: This Szuma Chao trick is obvious to every man in the street。 4.呂布:“我家貂蟬是中國古代四大美人之首!” Lv Bu said: My Diao Chan is the top of the four ancient beauties。 5.周瑜:“我真是賠了夫人又折兵”。 Zhou Yu said: I do present my enemy with a wife and lose my men into the bargain。 6.董卓:“洛陽就是豪華,在這里我都樂不思蜀了。” Dong Zhuo said: Life in Luoyang is so extravagant that I almost indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty。 7.袁譚袁尚袁熙:“我等本是兄弟,相煎何太急?” Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi said: We are blood brothers who were born from the same root, why should one prosperous at the expense of another? 8.諸葛亮隆中對:“目前魏蜀吳三分天下” Zhuge Liang said in Long Zhong Plan: Three Kingdoms portray a fateful moment at present。 9.劉備:“天下興亡匹夫有責” Liu Bei said: According to Mr Gu from Qing Dynasty, every man alive has a duty to his country。 11.袁紹:“水中月鏡中花” Yuao Shao said: Illusory scenes like flower’s reflection in the mirror or moon’s shadow on the water。 12.王允:“董賊現(xiàn)在是樂不思蜀。” Wang Yun said: Wicked Dong has forgotten his home and duty indulging in pleasure。 你就明白其中的“經(jīng)典”程度,翻譯成英文,更多的是讓大家在英語層面上多學習了解一下這些語句是如何用英語說出來。 |
[發(fā)布者:yezi] | ||
·雙語:IT男福音 奶茶妹妹章澤天進入微軟實習