有報道稱,2011年北京市的暫住人口比2010年少了60萬。大城市的高房租、高房價,還有擁堵的交通和激烈的競爭讓不少年輕人都選擇“跳城”。 City hopping describes the situation that some young Chinese are forced to give up jobs in large cities like Shanghai and Beijing and try to settle down in second-or-third-tier cities because of harsh competition at work and increasing living costs. 跳城(city hopping)指中國的一些年輕人因為激烈的職場競爭和不斷攀升的生活成本而被迫放棄上海、北京等大城市的工作,試圖在二三線城市安頓下來。 For example: Instead of job hopping, an increasing number of young Chinese are thinking of city hopping, that is, leaving big cities and finding a place in small cities. 越來越多的中國年輕人想的不再是跳槽,而是“跳城”,即,離開大城市,到小城市給自己找位置。 |
[發(fā)布者:yezi] | ||
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